Sub: Determination of Regional Constituencies under Rule 5 of the Company Secretaries (Election to the Council) Rules, 2006
The duration of the 11th Council and the Regional Councils shall expire on 18th January, 2015. The election for constitution of a new Council and Regional Councils are tentatively scheduled on 12th December, 2014 at all places except Delhi and Mumbai. The elections at Delhi and Mumbai are tentatively scheduled on two days, i.e., on 12th and 13th December, 2014.
2. Rule 5 of the Company Secretaries (Election to the Council) Rules, 2006 provides that a member, whose name is borne on the Register of Members on 1st day of April, 2014 shall be eligible to vote in 2014 elections from the regional constituencies within whose territorial jurisdiction his/ her professional address falls on the said date provided that his/her name has not been removed from the Register on the date of publication of the list of voters. If the professional address is not borne on the Register on the relevant date, the residential address borne on the register shall determine his/her regional constituency.
3. In the case of members having their professional addresses outside India and eligible to vote, their regional constituencies shall be determined according to their professional addresses in India registered immediately before they went abroad or the residential addresses in India borne on the Register of Members on the relevant date, whichever is later.
4. The professional addresses of the members whose names are borne on the register as on date are available on the website of the Institute at: The members are
advised to check their professional addresses and intimate at email Id: by 21st August, 2014, if any correction in the same is required.
5. A CD carrying the list of members as on 1st April, 2014 is available to a member on payment of Rs.250 (Rupees two hundred and fifty only). A member interested in having a copy of the CD may remit Rs.250 by way of cheque at par or demand draft payable at New Delhi favouring “The Institute of Company Secretaries of India”, to the Membership Directorate of the Institute at `ICSI House', 22, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003.
6. The annual membership fee for the year 2014-15 became due on 1st April, 2014. The last date for payment of fee has been extended up to 31st August, 2014. The 31st August, 2014, being a Sunday, the last date will be 1st September, 2014. The names of members, who do not pay annual membership fee for 2014-15 by 1st September, 2014, shall stand removed from the Register of Members w.e.f. 2nd September, 2014 and such members will not be eligible to vote or stand for elections even though their names appeared on the Register of Members as on 1st April, 2014. In order to exercise their franchise, the members are advised to pay the annual membership fee for 2014-15, if not already paid, by 1st September, 2014.
7. A member who has not yet obtained Identity Card may apply for the same by sending a scanned image of his/ her latest photograph in .jpeg format indicating his/her name and membership number at email Id:
8. This Notice has been hosted on the website of the Institute at This is being published in August, 2014 issue of ‘Chartered Secretary’ and the forthcoming issues of Newsletters of the Regional Councils.
( CS M.S. Sahoo )
Returning Officer, 2014 Elections
The duration of the 11th Council and the Regional Councils shall expire on 18th January, 2015. The election for constitution of a new Council and Regional Councils are tentatively scheduled on 12th December, 2014 at all places except Delhi and Mumbai. The elections at Delhi and Mumbai are tentatively scheduled on two days, i.e., on 12th and 13th December, 2014.
2. Rule 5 of the Company Secretaries (Election to the Council) Rules, 2006 provides that a member, whose name is borne on the Register of Members on 1st day of April, 2014 shall be eligible to vote in 2014 elections from the regional constituencies within whose territorial jurisdiction his/ her professional address falls on the said date provided that his/her name has not been removed from the Register on the date of publication of the list of voters. If the professional address is not borne on the Register on the relevant date, the residential address borne on the register shall determine his/her regional constituency.
3. In the case of members having their professional addresses outside India and eligible to vote, their regional constituencies shall be determined according to their professional addresses in India registered immediately before they went abroad or the residential addresses in India borne on the Register of Members on the relevant date, whichever is later.
4. The professional addresses of the members whose names are borne on the register as on date are available on the website of the Institute at: The members are
advised to check their professional addresses and intimate at email Id: by 21st August, 2014, if any correction in the same is required.
5. A CD carrying the list of members as on 1st April, 2014 is available to a member on payment of Rs.250 (Rupees two hundred and fifty only). A member interested in having a copy of the CD may remit Rs.250 by way of cheque at par or demand draft payable at New Delhi favouring “The Institute of Company Secretaries of India”, to the Membership Directorate of the Institute at `ICSI House', 22, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003.
6. The annual membership fee for the year 2014-15 became due on 1st April, 2014. The last date for payment of fee has been extended up to 31st August, 2014. The 31st August, 2014, being a Sunday, the last date will be 1st September, 2014. The names of members, who do not pay annual membership fee for 2014-15 by 1st September, 2014, shall stand removed from the Register of Members w.e.f. 2nd September, 2014 and such members will not be eligible to vote or stand for elections even though their names appeared on the Register of Members as on 1st April, 2014. In order to exercise their franchise, the members are advised to pay the annual membership fee for 2014-15, if not already paid, by 1st September, 2014.
7. A member who has not yet obtained Identity Card may apply for the same by sending a scanned image of his/ her latest photograph in .jpeg format indicating his/her name and membership number at email Id:
8. This Notice has been hosted on the website of the Institute at This is being published in August, 2014 issue of ‘Chartered Secretary’ and the forthcoming issues of Newsletters of the Regional Councils.
( CS M.S. Sahoo )
Returning Officer, 2014 Elections
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