Saturday, April 5, 2014

RBI ban on new NBFCs triggers licence trading

The Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) decision not to allow new non-banking finance companies for one year has opened the door for trading of NBFC licences. "People who were looking at applying for a new licence will now look at buying an existing NBFC," said Abizer Diwanji, partner and national leader for financial services at Ernst & Young.

In his monetary policy announcement on April 1, Governor Raghuram Rajan had said the issue of certificate of registration of NBFCs will be kept in abeyance for one year.

The ban on new licences appears to be contrary to RBI's stated agenda of more institutions for financial inclusions, but the central bank wants to review the regulatory framework of NBFCs.

According to market observers, companies are mostly looking at buying licences from existing NBFCs that are not functional, or buying small firms. "Some NBFCs, which are not operational, may get purchased," said R Sridhar, chairman at Finance Industry Development Council, a self regulatory organisation for NBFCs. "RBI may allow new entrants to buy existing ones on a case-to-case basis," he added. RBI issues 23-25 NBFC licences every year.

The demand is mostly from captive finance companies such as vehicle finance and agriculture equipment finance.

As on January 31, 2014, there were 11,910 non-deposit taking financial service providers. RBI takes around eight months to issue a licence. It is currently examining recommendations pertaining to non-banking finance companies made by the Nachiket Mor committee on comprehensive financial services for small businesses and lowincome households.

The Mor committee has argued that to achieve the vision of full financial inclusion there is a need to move to an approach where multiple models and partnerships are allowed to emerge, particularly between national full-service banks, regional banks of various types, non-bank finance companies, and financial markets.

It has suggested multiple NBFC definitions to be consolidated in two categories — one for core investment companies and another for all other NBFCs. The panel has also recommended increase in capital requirement, provisioning requirement and risk weight for bad assets and stress tests. In the last financial year, RBI had barred seven com

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