Settlement Commission - Form of application for settlement of a case under section 32E | |
GAR 7 Challan | G.A.R.-7 Proforma for Central Excise Tax Payments (Receipt & Payment Rules 26) |
New Central Excise Registration form. To fill this form Please see Instruction-1 and Instruction-2 | |
Application form for central excise registration of manufacturers of hand rolled cheroots of tobacco falling under sub-heading no. 2402.00 of central excise tariff act, 1985. | |
Central Excise Registration Certificate | |
Surrender of FORM RC | Surrender of Registration Certificate |
Declaration FORM | Declaration FORM |
FORM for New ECC No. | Format for application for obtaining new excise control code number |
Form for Allotment of New Excise Control Code Number | |
General Bond (Surety/Security) | |
Personal Ledger Account | |
For removal of Liquid gases | |
Monthly return for CENVAT | Proforma for monthly return under rule 7 of the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2001 |
Account of Removals from FTZ, EOU and SEZ to Domestic Tariff Area | |
Monthly return for production and removal of goods and other relevant particulars and CENVAT credit | |
Monthly Return for hundred percent EOUs in respect of goods manufactured, goods cleared and receipt of inputs and capital goods | |
Quarterly return for production and removal of goods and other relevant particulars and CENVAT credit | |
Annual financial information statement | |
CENVAT - Annual return of information relating to principal inputs | |
CENVAT - Monthly return of information relating to principal inputs | |
Annual Installed Capacity Statement | |
Simplified form for quarterly return of excisable goods cleared @ 1% duty | |
Quarterly Return for the Registered Dealers (Under Rule 7 of the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2002) | |
Application for removal of excisable goods for export by air/sea/post/land | |
Letter of undertaking for removal-for export of excisable goods without payment of duty | |
General bond with surety/security for removal for export of excisable goods without payment of duty | |
Certificate for procurement of excisable goods for export without payment of duty | |
Certificate for procurement of excisable goods for export without payment of duty from EOU | |
Proforma of Running Bond Account in respect of B-1 Bond | |
Statement regarding Export of excisable goods without duty | |
Return for manufacturers following simplified Export procedure | |
Invoice for goods transmitted to Nepal under Central Excise Seal ( Also see Notification No. 20/2004-C.E. (N.T.), dated 06-09-2004) | |
Invoice for goods transmitted to Nepal or Bhutan under Central Excise Seal ( Also see Notification No. 45/2001-C.E. (N.T.), dated 26-06-2001) | |
Bank Certificate for bills covering exports to Nepal / Bhutan | |
Combined application for removal of goods for export under claim for rebate of duty | |
Form of declaration for availing benefit of rebate of Central Excise Duty paid on export of goods | |
Application for removal of goods from a factory or a warehouse to another warehouse | |
General Bond (security) | |
Proforma of Running Bond Account in respect of B-3 Bond | |
Certificate for procurement of excisable goods under Procedure for Export Warehousing | |
Certificate for removal of excisable goods under bond | |
FORM A.S.P. II (Appendix-I) | Application for permission to avail of the special procedure relating to stainless steel pattis/pattas or aluminium circles |
Removal of stainless steel patties/pattas under special procedure | |
Application for permission to avail of the special procedure relating to embroidery | |
Production register to be maintained by the manufacturer of embroidery working under special procedure | |
Form of Appeal to the Commissioner (Appeals) under section 35 of the Act | |
Form of Application to the Commissioner (Appeals) under sub-section (4) of section 35E of the Act | |
Form of Appeal to Appellate Tribunal under sub-section (1) of section 35B of the Act | |
Form of Memorandum of Cross-Objections to the Appellate Tribunal under sub-section (4) of section 35B of the Act | |
Form of appeal or application to Appellate Tribunal under sub- section (2) of section 35B or under sub-section (1) of section 35E of the Act | |
Form of Application to the High Court under sub-section (1) of section 35H of the Act | |
Form of Memorandum of Cross-Objections under sub-section (3) of section 35H of the Act | |
Form of revision application to the Central Government under section 35EE of the Act | |
Form of application for seeking Advance Ruling under section 23C of the Central Excise Act,1944 | |
Application for refund of CENVAT credit under rule 5 of the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004 | |
Proforma of Challan and Textile Quaterly Statement Form | |
Application to avail the facility of filing excise returns electronically | |
Application for Compounding of Offence | |
Application for permission to avail of the special procedure relating to pan masala and pan masala containing tobacco (Gutkha) (Appendix - I ) and Intimation of payment of duty (Appendix - II) | |
Quarterly return for production and removal of goods under area based exemption |
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