Appeal No. 207 of 2013
Date of Decision : 03.04.2014
Ashika StockBroking Limited 1008,10th Floor, RahejaCentre, 214, Nariman Point,
Mumbai – 400 021.
Head Office:
226/1 AJC Bose Road,Trinity,
7th Floor,Kolkata – 700 020. …Appellant
1. Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd.
Floor 25,P.J. Tower, Dalal Street, Mumbai – 400 001.
2. Indian Clearing Corporation Limited
P.J. Tower,Dalal Street,
Mumbai – 400 001. …Respondents
Mr. Kumar Desai, Advocate with Mr. Vinay Chauhan and Mr. K.C. Jacob, Advocates for the Appellant.
Mr. P.N. Modi, Senior Advocate with Mr. Mahernosh Humranwala, Ms. Kirtida Chandarana andMs. Smiti Tewari,Advocates for Respondents.
CORAM : JusticeJ.P. Devadhar, Presiding Officer Jog Singh, Member
Per : J.P. Devadhar(Oral)
1. This appeal is filed to challengeorder passed by Respondents on October 25, 2013. Since appellant has made a grievance that the impugned order is violative of the principles of natural justice,learned senior counsel for respondents states that the impugned order may be remandedfor passing fresh orderin accordance withlaw.
2. Accordingly, impugned order dated October 25, 2013 is quashed and set aside and the matteris restored to the file of respondents. Respondents are directedto pass fresh order on merits and in accordance with law aftergiving personal hearing to the appellantas early as possible and preferably withinfour months from today.
3. Appeal is disposedof in above terms with no order as to costs.
Justice J.P.Devadhar Presiding Officer
Sd/- Jog Singh Member
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