Thursday, April 3, 2014

Eastern Coalfields Limited - Burdwan West Bengal - Empanelment

Last Date : 17/04/2014

Conversion of Annual Accounts, Profit And Loss Account And Balance Sheet With Annexures Thereto, Into XBRL Mode And Verification And And Filing Of Different Forms

Address: Eastern Coalfields Limited P.O. Dishergarh, Dist. Burdwan PIN-713333

Part - I

Eastern Coalfields Limited
Sanctoria, P.O. Dishergarh, Dist. Burdwan PIN-713333


NIT NO: ECL/CS/13/1377                                                          DATE: 28th March, 2014

Sealed Tenders (Two part system) are invited by The Company Secretary, Eastern Coalfields Limited Sanctoria, P.O. Dishergarh, Dist. BurdwanPIN-713333 from reputed Chartered Accountants/Cost Accountants/Company Secretaries Firm having required credential and suitable experiencein work of similar naturein Govt. / Public SectorEnterprises for the following job as per structured format.

1.    Name of work: Company Secretarial work- Conversion of Annual Accounts (Profit& Loss Account and Balance Sheet with annexuresthereto) into XBRL mode and verification and filing of Form Nos. 23 AC-XBRL & 23 ACA-XBRL for financial year 2013-14 and 2014-15 within the scheduled time limit.

2.   Estimated cost: ` 25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only).

3.     Period of completion: 2 years from the date ofissuing workorder.

4.        Availability of Tender Paper: Tendepaper cabe downloadefrom ouwebsite  &  also  from  Govt.  Portal   from 08/04/2014 to 15/04/2014.

5.   Date, Time & Place ofsubmission of Tender:- On 17/04/2014 from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 PM at The office of The CompanySecretary, Eastern Coalfields Limited Sanctoria, P.O. Dishergarh, Dist. Burdwan PIN-713333. If the office happensto be closed on the date of opening of tender as specified, the tenders will be openedon next working day at same time and venue.

6.   Date & Time of opening of Tender:- On 17/04/2014 at 3.30 PM in the office of the Company Secretary, Eastern Coalfields Limited Sanctoria, P.O. Dishergarh, Dist. Burdwan PIN-713333


Firms of Practicing Company Secretaries/Chartered Accountants/Cost Accountants Registered with Institute of Company Secretaries of India/Institute of Chartered Accountants/Institute of Cost Accountants ofIndia.

Proof of the job done, proof of registration, Copy of PAN and ServiceTax registration certificate is to be enclosed. In absence of the above documents the offer will be rejected. The documents attached to the offer must be seriallynumbered and duly signed by the proprietor/partner with official seal.


1.     GM (Vig)-ECL, HQ.
2.     PRM, ECL/HQ.(For websitepublication only).
3.     Notice Board (Admn. Bldg.)

(V.R. Reddy) GeneralManager (Finance)/
Company Secretary


1)                            Only typed quotationshall be considered.

2)                            Tender form duly filled in and signed by the bidder or his authorizedrepresentative on each page with official seal must be submitted along with the quotation.

3)                            Only eligible Firms are allowed to bid against this tender. Offers of ineligible firms shall not be considered. Tenderermust submit documentary evidence to prove their eligibility. Documents to be furnishedshould be duly attested with seal.

4)                            Photocopy of PAN and ServiceTax Registration Certificate must be enclosedwith the offer.

5)                            Incomplete tenders are liable to be rejected.

6)                            No tender documentwill be issued or receivedby post.

7)                            Tenders will be received in two parts i.e., Part -I and Part-II, each in separatesealed covers superscribing the name of the work. Part-I shall contain documents fulfilling the eligibility criteria of NIT (i.e.,photocopy of PAN, Service Tax Registration certificate and proof of job done) along with tenderdocument and Part-II (i.e., Price Bid) should be placed in another envelope duly sealed and indicating on the top of the envelope, the tender noticedetails and a certification that this sealed covers contains Part-I, Part -II, coversfor the particular work. Tenderers shall be solely responsible for the correctness of the downloaded tender documents. Submission of incomplete downloaded tender documents will be rejected.

8)                            Price bid (Part-II) will be opened for those bidderswho qualify in Part-I with due intimation.

9)                            ECL reserves the right to accept or reject partly or fully all the tenders withoutassigning any reason thereof.

10)                         VALIDITY of the offer: 90 days.

11)                         PAYMENT: Payment will be made from the office of GM (Finance) HQ, Sanctoria, Dishergarh, PIN-713333 within 21 days after receipt of Bill/Challan.

(V.R. Reddy) GeneralManager (Finance)/
Company Secretary

Signature of Bidder


Company Secretarial Work

You are requested to quote your rate for:

Part - II

Item No.

Name of work


Rate (`)

Amount (`)
Conversion of Annual Accounts (Profit & Loss
2 Nos.

Account  and  Balance  Sheet  with  annexures
(For FY-2013-14
thereto) into XBRL mode and verification and
filing of Form Nos. 23 AC-XBRL & 23 ACA-XBRL
within the scheduled time limit.

Office Seal                                                                                           Signature of Bidder

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