Gold prices rallied 3 per cent on Friday and were on track to end June with their first monthly rise in five as a deal to shore up banks and cut borrowing costs at a European Union summit sparked a surge in assets seen as higher risk. Euro zone leaders agreed to take emergency action to bring down Italy's and Spain's spiralling borrowing costs and to create a single supervisory body for euro zone banks by the end of this year, a first step towards a European banking union. The news sparked a sharp rally in European shares, a 1.9 per cent jump in the euro versus the dollar, and a near $4-a-barrel gain in oil prices. Spanish and Italian government bond yields fell, and safe-haven German Bunds slid. "The news has been positive for the euro and positive for confidence in general, which means that equities and commodities, including gold for the time being, have all received a shot in the arm," Simon Weeks, head of precious metals at the Bank of Nova Scotia, said.
Source: Economic Times
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