Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Direct Tax Order, Dated: 04-10-2011 [F.No. Addl. DIT(L&R)-(Admn.)-2011-12-301 to 407]

Subject: Regarding the Payment of Rs.5000/- to the Ministry of Law towards expenses
etc. for filing SLP or Counter Affidavit - Change of Procedure

I am directed to bring it to your kind notice that the Board has decided to remit the sum of
Rs.5000/- and any other sum to the Ministry of Law, for filing SLP/Counter Affidavits in the
Hon'ble Supreme Court through the directorate of Income-tax (Legal and Research), New
Delhi on its own instead of through respective field offices.

2. In view of the revised system as indicated above, this Directorate will hence forth made the
remittance of the requisite sum to the MOL. The intimation of filing SLP would be
communicated to the CIT concerned, alongwith Dlary No./SLP/(C) CC No. and copy of the
SLP as and when filed.

3. The intimation already sent for remittance of the sum to the field formation till date should,
however be acted upon and the requisite sum remitted.

4. This may kindly be brought to the notice of the officers in the field

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