Wednesday, October 12, 2011

CIT-II Ludhiana v Sharman Woolen Mills Ltd

CIT-II Ludhiana v Sharman Woolen Mills Ltd
High Court of Punjab and Haryana
ITA No. 152 of 2011
Hemant Gupta and Jaswant Singh, JJ

Decided on: 28 September 2011

Counsel appeared:
Ms Savita Saxena, Adv. for the appellant

Per: Hemant Gupta, J:
Revenue has sought the following two substantial questions of law having arisen out of the
order passed by learned Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Chandigarh (for short the
‘Tribunal’) on 18.8.2010: -

1. “Whether on the facts and in law, the Hon’ble ITAT was legally justified in dismissing the
appeal of the department and upholding the order of CIT(Appeals) in deleting the addition of
Rs. 99,10,000/- made under section 2(22)(e) of the Act.”

2. “Whether on the facts and in law, the Hon’ble ITAT was legally justified in dismissing the
appeal of the department and upholding the order of CIT(Appeals) in deleting the addition
made under section 2(22)(e) of the Act ignoring the fact that provisions of section 2(22)(e)
were squarely applicable to the case?”

Learned counsel for the appellant contends that M/s Ankur Agro Pvt. Ltd has advanced
unsecured loan to the assessee i.e. M/s Sharman Woolen Mills Ltd., a separate registered
Company under the provisions of Companies Act, 1956. The Assessing Officer made an
addition of Rs. 99,10,000/- in the income of the assessee as a dividend in terms of section
2(22)(e) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (for short the ‘Act’) which order was set aside in
appeal and maintained by Tribunal.

Learned Tribunal has found that in terms of section 2(22)(e) of the Act, the dividend income
is assessable only in the hands of shareholders of the lending company. It has been found that
assessee is not a shareholder of M/s Ankur Agro Pvt. Ltd. Thus, the said amount cannot be
assessed in the hands of the assessee in terms of section 2(22)(e) of the Act.

Learned counsel for the appellant has vehemently argued that the shareholders of the lending
company and that of the assessee are the same. Therefore, the unsecured loan advanced by
the lending company to the assessee is in fact the loan to its shareholders.
We do not find any merit in the said argument. Even if the shareholders are common of two
companies but the fact remains that the assessee is a separate juristic entity. The assessee is
assessed to income tax separately than its shareholders. The loan has been advanced to a
company who is not a shareholder of M/s Ankur Agro Pvt. Ltd.

Therefore, we do not find that any substantial question of law arises in the present appeal.

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